
Thank you for visiting our classroom blog. We want to share with our friends and family all that is happening in our classroom through the use of this blog. You will find our agenda messages as well as stories about what we have been doing at school. We hope you enjoy the examples of our work and photos from our day! Please check back often for updates from Mrs. Ball and the students!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Mrs Ball's last day

I will miss each and everyone of you, grade 4s! I know that you will continue to grow and mature under Miss Wiest's guidance. Remember you are all special and have talents and gifts to share with our world. I've told Miss Wiest how responsible and respectful this class is and know you won't prove me wrong! Stay in touch!

Mrs. Ball is going to miss me but she promises to come back and visit!
Return weekend folders on Monday.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Remember our spelling test is on Monday.
Keep practicing math facts.  We will be starting division soon!

Kellie's Drum

Kellie brought a drum to school to share with our class. The drum has been passed through many generations in his family. He told us how his family uses it.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The sky is clouding over! :(

We are looking at the sky and it doesn't look overly promising for our star gazing tonight. We are going to attempt to see a few things but may not see too much with the clouds. Please make your own judgement as to whether you feel like coming out or not.
Star Gazing night tonight at 8:30! Meet by the merry go round!
See the note about the school dance.
ED is tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Remember our star gazing night is tomorrow at 8:30.
Have I been studying my multiplication facts?

Monday, April 8, 2013

There is a new home reading sheet.  Tomorrow is your last chance to return March home reading sheets.
See a note about a star gazing night.
Book orders are due April 12th.
Spelling test April 15th.