
Thank you for visiting our classroom blog. We want to share with our friends and family all that is happening in our classroom through the use of this blog. You will find our agenda messages as well as stories about what we have been doing at school. We hope you enjoy the examples of our work and photos from our day! Please check back often for updates from Mrs. Ball and the students!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

We are sending home a home reading sheet for Easter break.
See the note about the new grade 4 teacher!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Remember we are not putting Super Hero costumes on until lunch time for Jump Rope tomorrow afternoon.
Conferences are tonight and tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Remember my conference is on __________ at _____________.

We have ran out of Kleenex.  We will gladly accept donations of boxes of tissue for our room.

X7 flashcards are coming home.

Monday, March 25, 2013

There is a new home reading sheet and my report card coming home.
I am bringing home my science test for you to see how I did!