
Thank you for visiting our classroom blog. We want to share with our friends and family all that is happening in our classroom through the use of this blog. You will find our agenda messages as well as stories about what we have been doing at school. We hope you enjoy the examples of our work and photos from our day! Please check back often for updates from Mrs. Ball and the students!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

See the prism I made.  Ask me what it is called and what I can tell you about its attributes.
I may bring an extra snack for myself for the afternoon tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The newest decoration to or tree triangular and rectangular prisms! Math feels like art!
Please try to have all "sock" gifts here for tomorrow.

Home reading sheets are coming home for the Christmas break.

See the hockey ticket.

Monday, December 17, 2012

See the social homework due Jan. 4th.
New home reading sheet is coming home.