
Thank you for visiting our classroom blog. We want to share with our friends and family all that is happening in our classroom through the use of this blog. You will find our agenda messages as well as stories about what we have been doing at school. We hope you enjoy the examples of our work and photos from our day! Please check back often for updates from Mrs. Ball and the students!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

3...2...1...Blast Off!

Are you ready to blast into Grade 4?  Grade four is a fun filled year with lots of exciting things to learn about.  This blog is an important way for the families of grade 4 to find out what is going on in our class.  We hope you are able to check in often to see what we are doing.  The first day of school is quickly approaching and I thought you might like to have a sneak peak of our classroom (the above picture is of our bulletin board outside of the room...everyone's names are up there)!

This is Mrs. Ball and her daughter Addison.  When Mrs Ball isn't at school with school kids, she's usually at home with this kid!  Mrs. Ball has taught at Davison since 2009.  Before that she taught at St. Henry's Jr and Miller Elementary (half time Kindergarten in each school) and Lucky Lake (teaching combinations of Grade 3, 4, and 5). She loooovvvvves being a grade 4 teacher and is excited for you to be apart of our room this year!

Our lockers are labeled and ready to go.  Grade 4 students use the same entrance as last year and our lockers start just outside of the entrance!  If your bags fit into your locker on the first day of school, find your locker and put things in.  If they don't fit, come into the classroom and set it by your desk.

Each morning you will be greeted by this door and a variety of messages to remind you what you are capable of.  Grade four students are very capable of doing a variety of things.  I look forward to seeing all of the wonderful things you can do!

Here is our classroom.  Some of the walls look a little bare still, but that is because they are waiting for your work!  We will be creating a lot of things that will be put up in our classroom and in the hallway.  We will try to take pictures of new displays to hang up so that if there is someone in your family who does not live close, or is not able to come to your school, they will still be able to see the amazing things you do!


This year, our social program focuses all about Saskatchewan.  Be ready to learn all about our fine province!

In Grade 4 we will do a lot of different kinds of reading and writing and we will be reading and writing for different purposes.  We will be doing guided reading, the Daily 3 and Daily CAFE.  We will also do daily journal writing and writers workshop.

I am hoping that this school year you and your teacher will "catch" your classmates being "Caught in the Act" doing respectful and responsible things.  We will be discussing how we think we can act and what kinds of things we think we can do in order to be caught.  Hint: there may be prizes for those caught doing respectful and responsible acts.
Our classroom pets (our goldfish) and I look forward to seeing you all soon!  Make sure you put a thinking cap and a smile on your face and I will see you on Tuesday, September 4th!